آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

This study investigated ethical leadership and staff innovative behaviour in Nigeria. The aims of this study are to find out the relationships that exist among ethical leadership and staff innovative ... Read More

In today’s modern world, globalization has increased competition among the organizations. In order to meet competition every organization require high skilled work force. Organizations are becoming mo ... Read More

The present paper analyzes cultural attires and appearances of Marri and Bugti tribes in Balochistan to find out latent meanings attached to these artifacts. In doing so, the study uses Peirce’s frame ... Read More

The process of transition in rural economy has been observed with the deepest and fastest structural transformation from farm to non-farm sector in Pakistan. The structure and composition of labour ma ... Read More

The present study investigated the relationship between paranoia and job satisfaction. Paranoia is defined as suspiciousness and the feeling of being threatened even if there is no proof of real threa ... Read More

Many students who are doing their majors in English often suffer from English speaking anxiety. The purpose of this study was to examine the reasons that hinder the process of speaking English in the ... Read More

This study is based on Post-cyberpunk in order to highlight the prominence of Postcyberpunk as an emerging representative genre of Postmodern Literature. Technological progress has altered the ontolog ... Read More