In Islam, the love and affiliation to The Holy Prophet’s adherence (Ahl al-Bayt) is very important. That is why Muslims have written so many books about the Ahl al-Bayt. Ibn Sabbagh's compilation of ... Read More

Almighty Allah has made certain laws for the development and success of mankind.Without understanding and obeying these laws, no nation can even dream of well growth. According to divine laws of de ... Read More

When we study the books of religions, we find that all religions are looking forward to a savior who will come to abolish oppression from the world and establish it with the justice. Followers of ea ... Read More

According to the belief of the Shia Muslims, their Imams are endowed with some superhuman qualities, such as knowledge of the unseen, infallibility and miracles, etc. Shia believe in this. But, his ... Read More

This article attempts to highlight the concepts of religion, faith, worship and mysticism. According to the writer, it is very important for a Muslim researcher to have an analytic view of these top ... Read More

According to The Holy Quran, The Holy Propher (PBUH) is the best pattern and example for those who hope in Allah and the Last Day and often remember Allah. Surely, the entire life of the Holy Proph ... Read More

The great interpretation of the Holy Quran "Al-Tibyan" is the first comprehensive Shiite interpretation by Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Hasan Al-Tusi who is known as the leader of Al-Imamiya. Al-Tusi has ... Read More

The following article describes the relaio between science and religion. According to the author, along with a deep study of Quran & Hadith and the views of the recognised Muslim scholars and intel ... Read More

Training is infact an activity performed by teacher or trainer to educate and nurture his pupal. In this field, an important responsibility of teachers and trainers is to flourish a sense of human ... Read More

No doubt, education & upbringing is a basic objective of sending prophets as declared in Holly Quran. Ayatollah Allama Jawadi Amoli has presented the concept of education and upbringing (tarbiyat) f ... Read More

Looking at the historical and political background, policies and objectives of UNESCO's 2030 agenda and intense criticism by world leaders, academic, political, social, economic experts and UN desi ... Read More

No doubt the dignity and propriety of the Prophet's descendants is the duty of all Muslims. Likewise, there is no doubt that Hazrat Fatima Zahra (as) is the daughter of Holy Prophet and she is the h ... Read More

The book "Islam & Environment", compiled by Allama Abdullah Jawadi Amoli, is infact the demonstration of Islamic teachings upon the subject of "Environment". But the book also presents precious ide ... Read More

Man naturally takes intrest in poetry and literature. In fact, literature etiquette is elegant jewelry for a man. Although there are not the real tastes of an individual’s physical beauty in poetry ... Read More

In theology, an important issue is the interpretation of the divine attributes. The question that arises in this regard is: whether it is possible to identify divine attributes? Does the same sense ... Read More

The important concept of terbiyah is lexically analysed in this article to determine its all aspects and features. Structure and meaning of this word and its usage in Quran is deeply discussed. The ... Read More

Economic resilience is new discussion which was disclosed by the economists after the conspicuous global financial crises of 2007-8. Throughout the years, numerous determinants have been used by di ... Read More

Being Muslims, we need to creat some fundamental changes in social sciences in order to lay the foundation of the Islamic culture & civilization. Unfortunately, we seriously lack the academic insti ... Read More

Seyed Murtadha Amoli who has passed away recently was born at Jabl Amil in Lebanon. He was a distinguished biographer and researcher of the 21st century. He was famous for his unique style of biogra ... Read More

Allama Usaid-ul-Haq Badayuni (1975-2014) was a great Islamic thinker, researcher and religious scholar. He wrote 14 Islamic books were on academic and research works. 17 books were arranged and pref ... Read More

The domination of religion over the whole world was something every prophet dreamed about. Every prophet passed away giving the good tiding of the last prophet to his successive prophet. The Holey ... Read More

It is a universal law that nothing experiences rise or downfall without having any significant causes behind it. There is no exception in this law and it applies upon all the nations. In spite of h ... Read More

The issue of Divine Mercy is an important issue of divine religions. While treating this issue Christian religious scholars claim that the The God in Christianity is merciful and that of Muslims’ ot ... Read More

This article deals with the Quranic concepts regarding contemplation and thinking. The words and phrases that are used In the Quran to highlight thinking and pondering include “ulu al-bab” (the peop ... Read More

The Holy Qur'an has been translated by many scholars, both Muslim and orientalist. Latin was the first western language into which the Holy Qur'an was translated. In 1143, an Englisman, Robert of Ke ... Read More

A child is born with all the potentials and capabilities that are required for acquiring basic human qualities. Early childhood is a very delicate period of developing and supporting this crude stat ... Read More

Like geographers, historians have also dealt in their books with the conditions of the earth, its longitudinal and altitudinal dimensions, boundaries etc that have been connected directly with human ... Read More

An attempt has been made in this article to show what is meant by the Quranic concept of “Ummat-e-Wahida”? In fact, there is no scholarly consensus with regard to the concept. Some scholars have ta ... Read More

The Indian subcontinent has seen many examples of the peaceful coexistence of the followers of different religions. One of the most striking performances of this approach was the period of Jalal u d ... Read More

The Holy Qurʼān is a comprehensive book that expresses everything in details. Anyhow, it needs to be interperated as Almighty Allah ordered us to prudence and research in Qurʼānic verses.The Qurʼān ... Read More

Nasir Makarim Sherazi’s tafseer is an important and educational extract in the Quranic field.Tafseer Namoona has its own relevance and rank amongst others.This tafseer concentrates on current fiqhi ... Read More

This article is continuation of the debate about the principles of the study of the Quran. It deals with its 5th principle according to that the understanding of the person who is engaged in studyin ... Read More